
A series of graphics posted across multiple social media platforms for the Hospice of the Good Shepherd.

All graphics were created by myself using Canva then and scheduled via Hootsuite.

As these are produced for a business, brand guidelines had to be adhered to, using specific colours, typeface and their logo to create a uniform profile.

Hospice 'Summer Fair' campaign with graphics created by me via Canva.

These graphics were posted across their social media platforms to inform and promote the Fair hosted by the Hospice.

I aimed to keep all the images consistent and eye-catching, making it clear that they're linked.

An admission ticket desgined by myself, adhereing to the brand guidelines and stylisticly completmenting the official poster (that was not created by me).

Mock-Up 'Experiences' Leaflet

I have worked at Chester Zoo since 2018 in various roles throughout. In 2020, I moved into the Admissions team where hosting the animal experiences became one of our responsibilities. I decided to create a mock-up of a leaflet as I felt there was a need for one and currently, there's nothing like this in place to offer to guests in person.

I aimed to stay within the brand guidlines in terms of colours, fonts and images. I had a brief stint in the Zoo's Marketing team as a temporary Marketing Assistant, so I was already familiar with the brand guidelines in place. All the written content, regarding the descriptions and prices, was taken from Chester Zoo's website.

These are example graphics created as part of an assignment in which I had to create and plan a social media strategy for an organisation of my choice. I chose Grosvenor Park's Miniature Railway situated in Chester City Centre. Above: a cover photo for their Facebook page. Right: an Instagram graphic advertising a fictional event.

'No Return' - A-Level Media project

This was my A2 Media coursework made in 2015, the second short film I had made during my two years of Sixth Form. Written, shot and edited by myself.

Looking back now, it's obviously not the best and I find it quite funny to watch. But the overall experience was so much fun and it solidified my love and appreciation for film. I was graded an A for this piece.